Sunday, October 19, 2008

My little girls devotion book.

I give each of my kids a new devotion book for Easter, almost every year. Courtney and I were reading hers today and it is just so amazing much you can learn from a child's book. Here is the devotion for today - October 19.

Well Done!
Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. Galatians 6:4

When you're young, it seems like everyone can do things better than you can. Your older friends can ride bikes, but you still need training wheels. Your older brother can write his name, but you still need help. Even though you can't do everything older kids can do, try to do your very best at the things you can do. And before you know it, you'll be big enough to do all those other things too!

I can't do everything, that much is true, But I'll do my best at the things I can do.

I find the Bible so amazing. The words in the Bible go with the times. How many years ago were these words put down and they still work for us today? God is so all-knowing. I also think it is amazing that this verse, or almost any verse, I imagine, could be read by an adult from the Bible and sound like they were written for an adult and then that same verse could be read in a child's devotion book and can be understood by a 6 year old. God is so amazing, always there for each and everyone one of us, ready and waiting to share all his goodness with us... it is all just waiting there for the taking.

Thank you God.

On of the many important things that I want my children to learn to do just do their best, don't compare themselves to someone else, just do your best and do it in the Glory of God. I am so thankful for devotional books that I can use as tools to help me teach these things to my kids.

This devotion was from Little Blessings, "Blessings Every Day: 365 simple devotions for the very young".

1 comment:

Conne Pursley said...

Hey could you e-mail me the names of those devotion books? What a great Easter present! Remember when I was down there for Easter at Luke's baptism? Wow that was a long time ago!