Sunday, September 7, 2008

Seek the Lord Sunday

How has the Lord touched my heart lately? I am so ashamed of my place in life right now. I have been so busy with family and kids and work I have made no time for myself, exercise, let alone God. I know how important prayer is and how it changes my life, and yet I have made very little time for it recently. I had even gotten in the habit of prayer just as I got into bed at midnight after work, even if I was so tired and could only tell God this was going to have to be quick because I am about to fall asleep, I would utter as much as I could before falling off to sleep. Still made me feel so good to pray before I fell asleep. I used to pray every week with a friend, we would pray for our children, but we have not gotten back to doing that since school started again. I used to read all the time and am a chapter or two into the Power of a Praying Parent. I am so exhausted all the time, I am gaining a few pounds, the house isn't as clean as I like it, the laundry is behind, my work is not as good as it should be, I am not reading and I am not praying. So I guess my answer to how has the Lord touched my heart lately? is that He has touched my heart by realizing this. I keep Him close in my heart regularly, continually trying to be more Christ-like, but it doesn't feel good to try without His help. So, here are my thoughts, praying will resume tonight, exercising, even just a little bit will resume tomorrow, as well as healthier eating and working on my weight and focusing on work when I should be working. Hopefully the rest will fall in to place.

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