This was another topic that was at this seminar that Luke and I went to last weekend. Not a topic that either of us wanted to go to, but during the time slot this session was offered nothing else was offered for the kids so my guess was... they must have something interesting to share. So I decided to go to the adult session on this topic.
I always felt that homosexuality could not be nature, God says it is not right, how could it possibly be something that is "wired". I have not done a lot of homework on this topic so I don't really have anything to offer, but I just have always felt this way. So the speaker on this topic was a counselor of gay men. Their practice is based on christianity and the men who come to him want to change. According to his practice, this is how it happens...
Attachment Trauma. Between the ages of 1-2 y/o a boy is not allowed to explore his boyness. Mom is overprotective and careful and does not allow him to be rambunctious. She may be overpowering and controlling.
Gender identity shame. Between the ages of 3-6 y/o a boy usually expresses shared interests with dad. Boys like excitement and fear and adventure and because he was held back from this during the ages of 1-2 he doesn't have these interests with dad. Dad lets it go and there is no male bonding. Also dad is usually critical and unkind to his son.
Defense Detachment. Between the ages of 6-12 boys and girls usually don't like to intermingle, boys (or girls) have cooties. They share very little in common. Boy finds he has more in common with girls and hangs out with girls.
Now this is all in a nutshell, I could be getting some wording off a little. But the above is considered pre gender type homosexuality. There is also post gender type where everything goes according to God's plan up until the age of 6ish where there is a trauma, such as abuse, which causes the feelings of homosexuality. These men are usually the more male personality of a relationship and the pre gender type are the femanine personality.
This speaker gave all kinds of statistics based on men who want to change to heterosexuality and I didn't write all of them down, but according to him it does work. It is a lot of work, maybe over the course of 5 years... but it does work.
I found all of this so interesting and kept thinking wow, mom's need to know this before they have kids. I say this very light heartedly. Anyway, I found it all very interesting and it seems like a good explanation to support homosexuality as being nurture and not nature.
Anyway, you can find Joseph Nicolosi on youtube. He wasn't our speaker, but he is the leader of this clinic, if you find this as something you might want to look in to more.
Kind of intense topic for kids, huh? EEK. It was for us adults too.
13 hours ago
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